meet barry
Barry Dean is a mid-century relic. A fossilised remnant of a young boy born in 1949 in Lithgow.
From his early days as a long-haired muso with attitude, Barry worked as a techncian, construction inspector, engineer and engineering consultant before a stint as an expert witness for barristers sparked an interest in writing fiction.
Inspired by the likes of Douglas Adams, Roald Dahl and Terry Pratchett, writing fiction that sits just to the left of reality appeals to Barry’s quirkier tendencies.
In his writing, Barry has created a world of his own making, inspired by the music of life, global travel, a love of history and old ruins, and observation. In fact, his first novel The Garden of Emily Washburn (Hague Publishing, 2012) was inspired by watching the Cannes Film Festival and the incongruous sight of a beautiful woman on the arm of a man “with a head like a Picasso painting”.
Barry splits his time between the home he shares with wife Theresa on the shores of the River Tamar and indulging a love of travel. At any given time, you can find him immersed in fiction writing, photography, curating a vintage guitar collection, or jamming with other ancient musos.